A2359-15 (WLM) - IAB(s)m

A2359-15 (WLM)

De Vaucouleurs Atlas Type: IAB(s)m

Filter: B

Telescope: Hall 1.07-m
North up , East left
Field Dimensions: 19.1 x 18.1 arcminutes

RC3 Type: IB(s)m
RSA Type: ImIV-V
Surface Brightness Range Displayed: 20.0-27.0 mag per square arcsec
Absolute Blue Magnitude: -17.3

De Vaucouleurs Atlas Description:

The bar is a highly foreshortened zone defined mainly by scattered groups of resolved stars. If the galaxy is actually disk-shaped, this zone would deproject into a broad oval. The (s) classification refers to the weak, diffuse spiral-like feature on the northeast side.