De Vaucouleurs Atlas Type: SA(rs)c
Filter: B
Telescope: McGraw-Hill 1.3-m
North right , East up
Field Dimensions: 5.2 x 3.9 arcminutes
RC3 Type: SAB(rs)c:
RSA Type: Sc(s)I.2
Surface Brightness Range Displayed: 18.0-26.0 mag per square arcsec
Absolute Blue Magnitude: -20.7
Elmegreen Spiral Arm Class: AC12
De Vaucouleurs Atlas Description:
The spiral pattern is well-defined and slightly asymmetric. As the arms spiral inward, they appear to wind into a weak inner pseudoring . It is unclear whether this feature has any dynamical significance; it could be merely a result of perspective on an open spiral pattern. There is no bar evident in the Atlas image.
NGC 3893 has a small companion, NGC 3896 , close to the southeast. The slight asymmetry in NGC 3893 could be the result of an interaction between the two galaxies.