NGC 6822 - IB(s)m

NGC 6822

De Vaucouleurs Atlas Type: IB(s)m

Filter: B

Telescope: Hall 1.07-m
North up , East left
Field Dimensions: 19.1 x 18.1 arcminutes

RC3 Type: IB(s)m
RSA Type: ImIV-V
Surface Brightness Range Displayed: 20.0-27.0 mag per square arcsec
Absolute Blue Magnitude: -15.2

De Vaucouleurs Atlas Description:

This nearby dwarf has a boxy shape and a bar oriented nearly north-south. The bar is highly resolved into individual stars while the background boxy disk light is not. The (s) classification is based mainly on the spiral wisp located off the south end of the bar; this wisp is highly resolved like the bar. Several bright star-forming complexes lie off the north side of the bar.