De Vaucouleurs Atlas Type: (RL)SB(s)0o
Filter: Ks
Telescope: ESO-NTT 3.6-m
North down , East left
Field Dimensions: 2.0 x 1.5 arcminutes
RC3 Type: SB(s)0o
RSA Type: SBa
Surface Brightness Range Displayed: 17.5-26.0 mag per square arcsec
Absolute Blue Magnitude: -20.3
De Vaucouleurs Atlas Description:
All of the features of this galaxy are very subtle but are best shown in this 2.2 micron Ks-band image. The bar is an ansae type, and there is very weak structure near it, possibly in the form of an s-shaped spiral. The rim of the disk is also weakly enhanced and somewhat ring-like.