NGC 7424 - SAB(rs)cd

NGC 7424

De Vaucouleurs Atlas Type: SAB(rs)cd

Filter: B

Telescope: Danish 1.54-m
North up , East left
Field Dimensions: 13.2 x 12.7 arcminutes

RC3 Type: SAB(rs)cd
RSA Type: Sc(rs)II.3/SBc(s)II.3
Surface Brightness Range Displayed: 19.5-26.5 mag per square arcsec
Absolute Blue Magnitude: -19.5
Elmegreen Spiral Arm Class: AC 9

De Vaucouleurs Atlas Description:

This well-developed spiral has a well-defined bar and very open arms. Both de Vaucouleurs and Sandage interpret the inner spiral as an inner pseudoring, but the feature is so open that we adopt the (rs) variety classification here.