Example of de Vaucouleurs type (R)SAB(rs)a
NGC 5377

G-band image of NGC 5377
NGC 5377
Pal 1.5-m
S. C. Odewahn
B-band, 900s, 0.371 arcsec/pix
main field: 6.4 x 5.7 arcminutes

closeup: 3.16 x 3.16 arcminutes
17.0-26.0 (B)
0.5-1.5 (B-V)
bar torque class: x
de V 63: (R)SB(s)a
SB94: SBa or Sa
CSRG type: (R1')SAB(l)a

Description - NGC 5377 is an excellent example of an early-type, weakly barred spiral with an OLR-type outer ring. Although classified as a true ring by de Vaucouleurs, it is actually a pseudoring made of two tightly wrapped diffuse spiral arms. The inner zone is a classic oval with only a trace of an inner pseudoring. The bar itself is a weak ansae type, and the oval is slightly pointy.

The B-V color index map (based on G and R images calibrated as if they were B and V) reveals a dust ring around a blue nucleus, and perhaps one weak bar dust lane. There is little star formation around the rim of the oval.

Multi-wavelength morphology - The red image of the galaxy reveals the ansae type bar and is deeper than the G-band image.

Interpretations - NGC 5377 is a classical resonance ring barred spiral with a dimpled outer pseudoring characteristic of the OLR. The CSRG type (from Appendix 2 of RC3) recognizes the feature as type (R1'), based on two arms that intersect after winding 180 degrees. The deprojected image below, based on ellipse fits to faint outer isophotes whose mean axis ratio is 0.559 and whose mean position angle is 153.75 degrees, indicates that the outer pseudoring is elongated nearly perpendicular to the bar, as is typical of such features.

r-band image of NGC 5377

G-band image (left) and approximate B-V image (right) of central region of NGC 5377

Deprojected r-band image of NGC 5377